Lake levels steadily rose over the last few years and shoreline property owners have had to deal with the water levels near historic highs. As a result of rising water levels, we are offering erosion control structures and installations to our customers. Our crew has experience installing steel, vinyl and stone structures to maintain the integrity of shoreline property while enhancing the beauty and value of the owner’s investment.

We can build stone, vinyl or steel barriers to protect your beachfront property. Contrary to popular belief, there are extremely heavy-duty vinyl barriers available that will withstand the abuse that the Great Lakes and Saginaw Bay can dish out. Vinyl has a much more appealing look and a much higher corrosion resistance than steel and comes in different colors.

Please check out some of our samples . If you are in need of an erosion barrier we can offer a number of different choices ranging from stone, concrete, steel or vinyl; please feel free to contact us for a custom quote on your project.

We can manage all aspects of the process from the initial design , permits, installation and also take care of your landscaping needs after the seawall is installed. Give us a call or drop us a line if you would like a quote for seawall installation.

Call 989-673-4444